Saturday, December 10, 2011

Struggling New Tree: Hong Kong Orchid

So, I planted this new tree about a month ago. I feel like I did a decent job of planting it; I've planted trees before with success, but this one is struggling, for whatever reason. Perhaps it's just the normal adjustment stress that trees go through, or a combination of our recent weather (a few nights of frost) plus the transplant stress. The leaves that are affected seem to be distribute evenly throughout the tree with affected leaves: on bottom/top, younger/older, inner/outer branch (although I believe the problem originally started with the older, inner leaves, which would point more towards a manganese or zinc deficiency, if chlorosis is what's at play here. Here's an interesting link explaining: Chlorosis). They all have a bit of a dry (not yet crispy, though) texture, and are mostly folded rather than open. I know the Hong Kong Orchid is said to be susceptible to salt-soil damage, but I'm not sure if that's what's happening here. After planting it, I did some deep-water slow-drip with the hose, and then we were fortunate to get some really nice fresh water rains in the weeks following. So I'm a bit confused as to why the tree is hurting so much. Another possibility is that this is entirely normal, and that the tree, being deciduous, is getting ready to drop its leaves! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Primrose Beauty

When I think of England, I think of primroses. What do England and Arizona have in common, climate-wise? Absolutely nothing. And yet, even though I know they'll only last for 3 months tops before melting in supra-70 temps(for us in Arizona that could be as early as late February or early March), I can't resist planting them every year. The large floppy-eared leaves, the bold bi-color flowers, the tall, regal stems...I love everything about the primrose. And they love everything about the cooler temps we're experiencing right now- highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s. Here's one that I have planted in the front yard walkway to my house. I actually succeeded in growing some primroses from seed last year, in a Rube Goldberg design that involved ice from the fridge, thermometers, a timer, a grow light, and all other manner of crazy stuff. Sadly, I made the mistake of putting my fledgling primroses in direct sunlight way too soon, and they got completely fried. It was so heartbreaking (after pampering them for 2 months!) that I don't think I have the will to try again so soon. But maybe next year, who knows? At least I know I can get them to sprout!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mum's the Word

I'm surprised more people don't grow mums in Phoenix, because they can definitely survive the Summer Death March, and they're gorgeous of course! In fact, I had one in full sun(south side of house) that made it through inferno just fine. With that in mind, I've just planted a few new ones in my front yard. They do tend to sprawl, so it's best to find a spot with room. My only beef with mums: they seem to be a sporadic rather than continuous bloomer.

Happy Days are Here Again

What a difference a month makes. This Madagascar palm loves the cooler temperatures of November...which in Phoenix means mid-70s. Interestingly, the Madagascar palm is not a true palm; it's actually a succulent and more closely related to a Plumeria than to any palm. The scientific name is Pachypodium lamerei.
With winter and cooler temps, the lovely green leaves will drop and the plant will go dormant, hopefully rebounding in the Spring with bright new leaves.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Since this is Sunday, I'm thinking of football, naturally. A popular cliché for football commentators is that successful cornerbacks must have a short memory, because it's inevitable that they will at some point get 'torched' by the opposing team's wide receiver. No point in dwelling on the negative. This reminds me a bit of Arizona and its extreme heat, and how we survive it psychologically. I spent a great deal of time cursing the infernal September and October that we had this year(with record temps and a very dry monsoon), and the way it cruelly murdered my glorious tomato plant and so many other garden delights.
But now the 'real' Fall and cooler temps have finally arrived and I am ready to forgive. Often times, we have gorgeous sunsets in these parts, but occasionally the morning clouds can also be awe-inspiring. Here's a quick snap I took while on my way to work last week. Clouds like a bas-relief sculpture of some far-away kingdom; the promise of rain and relief. Who says the art of losing is hard to master?