Sunday, November 6, 2011


Since this is Sunday, I'm thinking of football, naturally. A popular cliché for football commentators is that successful cornerbacks must have a short memory, because it's inevitable that they will at some point get 'torched' by the opposing team's wide receiver. No point in dwelling on the negative. This reminds me a bit of Arizona and its extreme heat, and how we survive it psychologically. I spent a great deal of time cursing the infernal September and October that we had this year(with record temps and a very dry monsoon), and the way it cruelly murdered my glorious tomato plant and so many other garden delights.
But now the 'real' Fall and cooler temps have finally arrived and I am ready to forgive. Often times, we have gorgeous sunsets in these parts, but occasionally the morning clouds can also be awe-inspiring. Here's a quick snap I took while on my way to work last week. Clouds like a bas-relief sculpture of some far-away kingdom; the promise of rain and relief. Who says the art of losing is hard to master?

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