Saturday, October 8, 2011

Strawberry: The Lone Survivor

Happy Birthday, Little Fella! This strawberry was actually 1 of 2 strawberries I bought last October. The other one died in July, of course, as most strawberries here in Phoenix do. The funny thing is, this one was definitely a runt! But I think this worked to his advantage because he remained sandwiched between a huge, sprawling tomato plant and a large mum. Natural shade, protection from our intense sun and heat(and yes, I realize this is not a sentence, but it's my blog and I can use poetic license, no? lol). Once I removed the dying tomato, I put a bit of white shade cloth to protect him from afternoon sun(he's on the south side of my house). As you can see, he's got a few brown-crispies, but I'll pull those off once it cools down a bit more(still in the high 90s this coming week) . Should be a great crop for next spring, since frost isn't so much a problem (I believe they're good down to about 25F). Yay, Mr, Strawberry!

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